Recognition Awards
Friday, January 3rd at 5:00 PM CST
Nomination Criteria
The Wisconsin Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects establishes a collection of Recognition Awards to recognize persons and organizations who have displayed great commitment to the profession of landscape architecture. Below is a list of actions that my deem a nomination for one of the available awards. The list is by no means exhaustive, and open for interpretation.
Enhanced the visibility of the profession of landscape architecture in Wisconsin.
Promoted excellence in land planning and landscape design.
Promoted professional ethics.
Fostered environmental stewardship and enhanced quality of life.
Promoted equality, diversity, inclusion and environmental justice.
Fostered education, outreach and mentorship
Entry Categories
Public Service Award
Visibility Award
Life Achievement Award
Environmental Enhancement Award
Chapter Service Award
Chapter Support Award
Professional Awards *Not Accepting at this time*
N / A
The Wisconsin Chapter of The American Society of Landscape Architects (WI ASLA) invites ALL qualified individuals and firms to submit entries for landscape architecture projects located in or out of the State of Wisconsin. All applicants must have primary involvement in their entry and must clearly describe their role in the project. Additionally, projects entered must be submitted with the consent of the client or owner. Submitting more than one entry in any given category and/or across categories is encouraged as the jury has the ability to select multiple projects within each category to be recognized with an award.
Entry Categories
General Small Scale Design (Construction Cost < $500,000)
General Medium Scale Design (Construction Cost $500,000-$3,000,000)
General Large Scale Design (Construction Cost $3,000,000+)
Un-Built Works (Design)
Analysis and Planning
Awards and Jury
Entries may be awarded within the three levels listed below:
• Award of Excellence – one possible award selected from all entries
• Honor Award – one possible award per category
• Merit Award – as many as the jury finds exemplary
The jury will be comprised of landscape architects from a partnering chapter of ASLA.
Landscape Architect Student Scholarship *Not Accepting at this time*
WI ASLA is pleased to announce a scholarship challenge for current UW-Madison Landscape Architecture sophomore and junior students (2nd and 3rd year students enrolled in the program).
"Sketch Your Future Challenge"
Use one of ASLA’s 6 mission areas (Green Infrastructure, Racial Equity, Climate Action, Transportation for All, Water & Stormwater, and Parks & Recreation) to guide you on an exploration of a site of your choice. See for additional information on these mission areas. Choose an existing location that is meaningful to you, and create one before image of the site. Include a narrative to explain why you chose this site. Using the same site, create one after image of the site. Write a narrative to explain what you chose to change on site and why.
Must be a sophomore or junior student (2nd and 3rd year in the program). One $2,000
scholarship will be awarded to a current student enrolled in the UW-Madison
Landscape Architecture program. All entries will be juried by members of WI ASLA.
N / A​
Questions regarding entries should be directed to -
Questions regarding any entries should be directed to