What is an "Emerging Professional?" (Definition provided by National ASLA)
Emerging Professionals are those with less than 10 years of practice experience.
Emerging Professional Chair (Definition provided by National ASLA)
The chapter volunteer who initiates leadership and career development opportunities, provides a sense of community, and integrates emerging professionals into the professional world.
Emerging Professional Committee Goals (Goals provided by National ASLA)
Communicate with student chapters and landscape architecture program faculty; assist in the transition to ASLA Associate membership
Organize an emerging professional committee to increase membership and involvement in organization
Coordinate LARE prep opportunities and other licensure support programs
Initiate leadership and management training and provide opportunities to showcase the work by emerging professional chapter members
Serving as a point of contact for emerging professionals within the chapter
EPC Co-Chair
Paige Bernhardt
Ayres Associates
Luisa Dummann
Saiki Design
EPC Co-Chair
Tiara Wuethrich
Ayres Associates
Emma Wenman
MSA Professional Services, Inc.
Hannah Cramer
MSA Professional Services, Inc.
Lydia Debauche
Saiki Design
Ethan Morrow
Hannah Boer
Park(ing) Day 2023
Park(ing) Day was a blast! The WI ASLA Emerging Professionals hosted the event on the UW-Madison campus near Memorial Union. This years theme was "Pollinator Places" so the group spent the day educating the public about pollinator communities, their habitats and how to assist in creating thriving ecosystems for them through landscape architecture and our everyday lives. Thank you to all our sponsors for supporting this effort by providing materials and financial assistance to make the event a success!
Interested in Joining the Committee?
Reach out to Paige or Tiara! Or email admin@wiasla.com.