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Honor Award Winner

Project Name:  Heart of LaPorte: A Healthy Living Plan 
Location:  LaPorte, Indiana
Design Team:  SmithGroup

The LaPorte Plan for Healthy Living is a story of transformation. LaPorte was home to Allis-Chalmers manufacturing for decades, which through their business operations, contaminated the land and water near Clear Lake. The Plan for Healthy Living is an opportunity to capitalize on the area’s natural beauty to transform the community's perception of Clear Lake from a blighted, neglected area to vibrant nexus of social and physical activity. 

The plan focuses on a new identity centered on health. Key features include: 

  • Build connections to link destinations through an intuitive network of paths, trails, sidewalks, and spaces. 

  • Overcome physical barriers (e.g. the railroad) through safe access. 

  • Alter perception of Clear Lake as toxic and not suitable for engagement. 

  • Capitalize on Context: neighborhoods, downtown, and a premier park system. 

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